Self-Development To Achieve More Sales At Work


Training has become a systematic process of increasing sales. Improvement should be continuous because competitors will not sit still. Your competition will also be continually improving the effectiveness of their sales teams.

However, it’s not all about investing in the newest training techniques, tools, and technology. Self-development of your sales leaders and staff is an extremely important aspect of both sales training and sales management training. It’s not about learning skills to ‘get by’; rather it teaches your staff to look at their own development as a person. This could be using a day designer to become more organised or finding ways to be more confident in their work.

By engaging with your sales staff in this way, you are more likely to drive behavioural change. That’s because this type of training can even create improvements in a staff member’s personal life, which, in turn, is likely to increase their productivity and loyalty to your organisation. This sort of training does not feel forced either. If done properly, the salesperson will see the benefit of self-development, such as career advancement, promotion, and further professionalism. This sort of attitude helps give a salesperson the edge over competitors, while also bringing about a truly measurable impact on sales. As such, if you’re looking for the best training for your salesperson, you should consider coaching that focuses on enhancing both the professional and personal behaviours of staff.

How Do You Measure The Impact Of Training?

Direct sales coaching looks great on paper: a sales expert, like someone from the Consilio Team, comes directly into your organization, assesses the situation and enacts fresh direct coaching to impact sales performance. Terrific! But what if you aren’t able to measure that direct sales impact over the next few months? Does that mean the training in sales failed?

Not necessarily, it just means that your coach failed. A good sales coach will take a direct approach to understand what your sales team is lacking right now. This direct discussion allows the coach to understand what issues the client is facing in the sales department, whether it is sales problems, sales ambitions, or behavioural change. There are coaches out there who only have a one-solution approach to sales problems, but a good coach will treat every client differently and with flexibility. This avoids any chances of direct incompatibility with your organisation’s sales framework, and allows the coach to work within your organisation to create a sales training programme that works. 

Good coaching intervention will always include discussions with clients about the desired sales outcomes. What improvements do you want to see? This should be the point where a direct measurable outcome is set – essentially, the desired outcome of the training that can be measured. Then it’s a case of the programme being designed to fit your organisation’s desired outcomes, and then performing the direct coaching to your sales leaders and teams. Then it’s time to measure for any direct improvements in sales – did the coach achieve what they set out to do?