The Best High Paying Positions You Can Get in 2023

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Everyone needs to have a job in order to build professional skills and have financial security. But there are certain positions that have a significantly higher pay than others. These jobs are what people should be striving for. But you might not know what these jobs are or how to get them. The list is long, but in this post, you can read on to learn more about three of the best high-paying careers you can get in 2023.


Law is one of the most difficult fields anyone could ever study. The industry requires those who are willing to put in the hard work and prove they can tackle any challenge. To start your legal career, you’ll need to graduate with your BA in law, obtain your Juris Doctor (JD) and then finally pass their state’s bar exam. Furthermore, you must also obtain the necessary licensing and decide whether you’re going to open your own firm or work with another. The average salary of a lawyer is around $120,000, but it can be more depending on the type of law you choose to specialize in.

Business Owner

Whenever someone brings up marketing or doing business, they typically think about working in a store or a renowned company, like Apple or Google. However, why settle working for other people when you can simply open your own business? This may seem like a tall order, but rest assured, opening your very own company is a lot easier than it used to be. Sure, its’s quite the investment, but the ultimate payoff is well worth the cost. 

To give you an example of how big an investment a business is, look at fleets. It can be a complicated process researching and investing thousands of dollars into a fleet where performance relates to productivity and profitability. There are helpful guides online you can read through to help you identify the necessary steps you need to take before making your purchase. How much a business owner makes depends on their success, but on average, it’s possible to make over $60,000 per year.


The medical field is on par with law in terms of difficulty. Like law, the medical industry requires people who are ready, willing and able. You can’t afford to dawdle in medicine as lives are at stake. Whenever people think about medicine, they usually consider nurses, doctors, and surgeons. However, there’s one career in this field that eclipses all three: anesthesiology. This is, by far, the most difficult job anyone can aim for. 
You must have 12 years’ worth of education such as your BA in medicine, four years in medical school, and at least four years of residency. Then, you have to pass the national Board exam, spend up to two years of a private practice, and obtain the necessary licensing and certification. In exchange for such a hard journey, the average salary of an anesthesiologist is around $420,000 per year. The job itself is difficult, but your efforts will be very well-rewarded.