The Creative Touch that Makes Your Branding Stand Out

When international firm Interbrand was challenged with the daunting task of redesigning top soccer team, Juventus’ brand, they turned to the world of fashion to do so and the result has been record breaking sales. Turning a solid traditional yet somewhat staid brand into a young, trendy one with plenty of sartorial flair was risky, yet ultimately well considered, since the aim was to connect the club with younger, more urban audiences. From a traditional seal, the club’s logo was converted into a trendy ‘double J’ that has more in line with Gucci than with the sweat and tears of the soccer pitch. If you want to make your brand stand out, how can you do so in a way that will truly engage your target customers and inspire them to see you in a whole new light?
Branding is More than a Logo
Around 76% of merchandize recipients recalled an advertiser’s name on a promotional item they received within the previous 12 months. If you are giving away merchandise as part of your a customer loyalty, ensure these promotional items are fully reflective of your ethos and values, while boasting a different, beautiful, or different design. For instance, if you are working in a luxury sector, anything you give away should be high-end, but also useful (either from a decorative or functional perspective). If you are working in casual fashion, on the other hand, a heat pressed shirt or hoodie with your logo has the potential to become the item to own if the design and quality are optimal. Merchandise should not be a mere advertisement; rather, it should have value on its own.
Musicians KISS ran a hugely successful marketing campaign throughout their career, enticing fans with creative items like the famous KISS Kasket, featuring the band logo and concert imagery that really struck a chord with die-hard fans. The success of their campaigns are a reminder of the importance of thinking out of the box – or in this case, the ‘casket’.
Finding New Ways to Get Over Branding Obstacles
Creativity should also come into play when it comes to fixing a problematic image. As noted by the Digital Marketing Institute, LinkedIn managed to get over its ‘white collar stereotype’ through a TV spot called ‘In it Together’. The short ‘day in the life of’ film showed the extent to which LinkedIn is about diversity, connection, and understanding, rather than a clique that is only useful to one group. The film is simple yet emotional at once, its universal appeal shining on social media, ads, podcasts and other media throughout the campaign.
Breaking New Ground
Keeping your audience glued to the screen can be difficult, considering the plethora of competing sites and social media attempting to capture the attention of online users. One way to make a big difference is to rely on experiential marketing, one of the most famous exponents of which is arguably Red Bull’s Stratos jump. In the latter, the brand, known for pushing limits and embracing risk, hired Austrian skydiver Felix Baumgartner to set the world record for the highest skydive known to man. Baumgartner actually took off from 21.7 kilometres above the Earth’s surface, jumping off from a capsule in the stratosphere. Sound engaging? How could it not be? Experiential marketing doesn’t have to be so expensive; it simply has to authentically connect with your audience.
One company that aced it small-scaled was IKEA. Upon discovering that a Facebook group called “I wanna have a sleepover in IKEA” existed, it invited 100 people from the group to live their dream, enjoying a super fun pyjama party inside its massive installations.
Building a successful brand requires frequent rethinking of your strategy. Merchandize needs to be updated, gaps in branding need to be addressed, and new experiences should be offered to clients. Your branding efforts – both static and on social media – should enable customers to feel that someone ‘gets them’ and seeks to inspire them to be the very best and happiest version of themselves possible.