Balancing Working Abroad and Travel

Every once in a while you need a change of scenery to step back, regain perspective and recharge the batteries. The problem is that clients, employers and the landlord don’t always want to hang around while you’re off finding yourself. Luckily you can travel the world having to put your career on hold.
Remote Benefits. If your job is mainly computer- and internet- based, you’re incredibly lucky because you can work from anywhere in the world. Whether you feel like an epic round-the-world trip or just want a couple of days away on short breaks to Vienna or a Mexican beach town, you need only pack up your laptop or notebook computer. Nowadays it’s almost impossible to find a hotel or hostel that doesn’t have Wi-Fi and in some places you’ll even find reliable wireless connections right there on the beach!
Do Yourself and OTHERS Some Good. Another great option is to spend some time volunteering. Find a program that not only matches the things you feel passionate about but also complements your skills set. More and more non-profit organizations are recognizing the value of volunteers who are professionals in certain fields such as healthcare, engineering or even business administration. By donating your time, you learn to see things differently, meet wonderful people along the way and share your skills with communities that can really benefit from them.
With long-term jobs and volunteer programs, you don’t have to worry that you’ll spend all your time working and never get to see the city or country you’re in. Once you know the area better and have done some planning, you’ll find you’re able to achieve the perfect balance.
Have you experienced working while travelling? Share your experience in the comments below or tweet @mscareergirl!