Yes, Maintaining Good Energy at Work IS Possible

In my opinion, workplace happiness isn’t an accident. It’s a series of little things that collectively shifts your perspective and attracts good energy.

[Tweet “Workplace happiness isn’t an accident. It’s a series of little things that collectively shift your perspective and attract #goodenergy.”]

I wrote a guest post on Premier Protein’s blog that will give you the tools you need to maintain positive energy during the workday, no matter what your situation. The piece isn’t just another “listicle” of magic bullet tactics either.  Some items on my list will require admitting that little things really do become big things. Others encourage gusto, introspection and hustle.  Collectively, this top ten list will help even the unhappiest of career girls maintain good energy at work. And in my opinion, good energy can be the difference between getting fired and getting promoted.

Check out the post here and let me know what you think!

[Tweet “The Top Ten Ways to Maintain Positive Energy During the Workday: via @PremierProtein @MsCareerGirl #GoodEnergy”]

Of all the items on the list, which one can YOU relate to? What other ways do you ensure positive energy during the workday? Share your thoughts for the good of the group!

Nicole Emerick

Nicole Emerick founded Ms. Career Girl in 2008 to help other ambitious young professional women thrive in a career they love. Ironically, growing MsCareerGirl helped Nicole transition her own career from commercial banker to digital marketer. Today Nicole leads the social media team at a large advertising agency in Chicago. Nicole also served as an adjunct professor at DePaul University where she helped develop the careers of PR, Advertising and Communications students. Tweet with Nicole @_NicoleEmerick.