5 Stay-At-Home Jobs For Ambitious Stay-At-Home Moms

There’s no denying that being a stay-at-home mom is a full time job. Kids need constant attention, housework needs to get done, and all the family admin falls to you. If you stop working, the household will fall apart.
That said, there are moments in the life of a stay-at-home mom when you do have time for something extra. The kids are at school and extramurals, and you’ve got everything under control. If you’re an ambitious woman, you may have dreams of an income generating career of your own.
Well, in today’s age, there’s no reason you have to leave the home or neglect your other duties in order to get a job that pays. With just a computer and internet connection, there are lots of job opportunities begging for people like you.
Here are the top 5 stay-at-home jobs for ambitious stay-at-home moms.
Start writing
Do you have good general knowledge? Are you able to string coherent sentences together? You have what it takes to be a freelance writer. That’s right, you no longer have to be a specialist in a subject to write about it online. All the information you need can be easily researched with a few Google searches, and their are countless companies looking for people to put together regular articles for their sites.
You don’t even have to go far to look for the jobs. Simply use a freelance website like Upwork, or a job board like ProBlogger and apply to whichever jobs catch your eye. In addition, there are great websites and communities to help you get your career up and running. Writing Revolt and The Write Life are my personal favorites.
Remote office work
In addition to writers, many companies are looking for virtual assistants or people to do remote office work. Again, Upwork is a good place to start. If you have Photoshop, Powerpoint, or additional skills, you’re in a good position to get started.
The downside to this is that there are many freelancers in countries with incredibly weak currencies who are willing to do the work for a couple of dollars an hour. If, however, you look for jobs which require fluency in English, you’re likely to score higher paid work.
Trade Forex
Know nothing about the currency market? It doesn’t matter. You can become a Forex (foreign exchange) trader in a relatively short amount of time. Forex trading is incredibly accessible, since all you need is an internet connection to start trading. The market is open 24 hours a day during the week, which makes it a very flexible occupation. And, most importantly, it’s easy to learn.
Of course, you’ll want to start by learning the ropes. To get a clear understanding of how markets function, you need to learn about how the market is affected by everything from the global economy to world events. Fortunately, the internet is full of text and video tutorials and guides explaining exactly how everything works and how to get started without risking your household’s livelihood.
The one caveat is that you must make sure you’re using a trustworthy Forex broker, as there are many out there trying to scam you. A good sign is that they have good reviews by objective third parties and are certified by a U.S. or U.K. regulations authority.
Teach English
Children and adults around the world want to learn to speak English. Teaching basic skills is easier than you think. You don’t need a teaching degree or even a second language to teach English online to students in China or the rest of Asia. Websites like VIPKID match teachers with classes, allowing you to work part time at competitive rates.
It’s intimidating, I know, to teach from across the world. If you have a fear of public speaking, especially, you might struggle with this at first. However, you’ll soon get the hang of it, and if your internet connection is reliable, you’ll soon forget you’re not actually there with the students.
Run errands
If you watched the most recent series of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, you’ll have seen her do some work as a “TaskRabbit”. This is not a gag made up for the show (although you’ll probably be spared the ridiculous tasks she was assigned). TaskRabbit is an app that was launched almost 10 years ago, and has seen ridiculous success. It’s a simple concept. You sign up as a TaskRabbit and, when someone posts an errand they need done, you grab the job before someone else does.
Some people have had crazy success as TaskRabbits, earning $2,000 a week (or more!). As one TaskRabbit explains, if people need something done urgently, they’re going to pay whatever it takes. That’s how he ended up earning $70 an hour one day for folding t-shirts. If you don’t mind running errands, and have basic skills and knowledge, TaskRabbit gives you the ability to work when you want to at a rate that you choose.
Working from home really is possible
Yes, we’ve all seen spam advertising how much money you can make working from home. The funny thing is, it’s true (although not through those avenues). Ambitious stay-at-home moms can now earn a living, without compromising their home duties and way of life.