Author: Maria Bashi

Reinventing Your Career After a Setback: A Guide for Women

Career setbacks can be pivotal in a woman’s professional journey, often bringing unexpected challenges and opportunities. Among these setbacks, being laid off or fired can be a particularly distressing experience, affecting not just one’s...

business education from UNSPLASH

How To Enhance Communication Within Your Business

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a thriving business. It fosters a culture of transparency, boosts morale, and streamlines operations, paving the way for success. In the bustling business landscape of the UK, where competition...

side hustle

How to Grow Your Side Hustle

Do you have a side hustle? In the past, having a side hustle wasn’t all that common – it was quite unusual to hear that someone had their own business on top of a...

M. design

Modern Elegance For Career Women: What Does it Look Like?

What you wear still holds significant weight. While it’s true that skills, knowledge, and expertise are paramount, your appearance communicates volumes about your professionalism, confidence, and attention to detail. For career women navigating the...