Category: Work

Gender Equality At Work: Are We Making Progress?

Progress, and statistics, are funny things.  While every inch of progress is important, sometimes the numbers don’t give a clear picture of where you are.  Especially if the statistics are in percentages. If you...

The Top Cities for Marketing Jobs in the US

There has never been a better time to get into marketing. The industry is changing and adapting with the growth of the internet, blog marketing, content marketing,  and social media. More people than ever...

Why Your Appearance Matters To Your Career

You only get one chance to make a good first impression, and when it comes to your career you should always make sure it’s a good one. While your skills, personality, and experience are...

going into law

Going Into Law: Beyond The Glamour

The following is a guest post by Kenn Goldblatt.  His bio follows. It’s not necessary to have a degree in law to establish yourself in a meaningful career within the legal profession. There are...