Category: Work

Who is on Your Board of Directors?

Who is on your board of directors? A board of directors typically means, “a group of persons chosen to govern the affairs of a corporation or other large institution.” Do you think of yourself...

Ms. Career Girl’s Most Popular Posts of 2009

Here are’s most popular posts of 2009: 1. Penelope Trunk’s Interesting Personal Branding Strategy 2. 2009 Grammy Looks 3. 10 Steps to a Summer Internship by, Heather Huhman 4. The Story Behind Crescendo Apparel:...

What Did You Learn in 2009?

Today my Twitter friend @MattFagioli posed the question/tweet: What did you learn in 2009?  Something you didn’t realize in 2008. I couldn’t answer the question in a tweet because my answer would far exceed...

A Guide to Schmoozing

Many twentysomethings’ biggest career fear and biggest career barrier is schmoozing. Yes, you have to schmooze. If you’ve been following our Go Getter Girl’s Guide series, you read last week’s post about creating your...