Is CBD Effective with Alleviating Pain?

Over the past few years, many scientists, every day users, and even doctors have started to make the claim that CBD can be effective in helping to alleviate pain. CBD is cannabidiol which is one agent found in the marijuana plant or cannabis than can be taken as an extract in oil form.

However, opponents of the CBD claim routinely find ways to dispute that which is becoming increasingly evident. A recent report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has provided some solid data to support that CBD can in fact be effective in helping to fight chronic pain.

The fact that our nation is in the midst of a major opioid epidemic makes this new report a powerful new finding in the quest to come up with new solutions to opioid abuse.

The obvious benefits to this new information is that it will not only have an immediate impact on how we address the use and benefits of marijuana but it can also assist in discovering new ways to treat pain. The use and abuse of painkillers continues to skyrocket and finding a solution is critical to the overall health of our country.  overall health of our country. That’s why turning to other sources can be beneficial.  For example, it’s been found that extracts such as 12000mg CBD oil can help. Painkillers can be harmful on many levels, while CBD can be offered as a healthy substitute.

Another key factor in this new report is that it outlines why the Drug Enforcement Agency should take a closer look at its classifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug. This puts it in the same category as hardcore drugs like meth and heroin without any real science to back up these claims.

CBD vs. Opioids

Currently, the D.E.A. continues to maintain its position that marijuana has no accepted medical benefits despite that claim being widely refuted by experts in the field of cannabis and CBD. The fact is, there is new and consistent research that shows the DEA to be out of touch and incorrect in its assessment of marijuana. Fortunately, at least one component of cannabis, CBD, is available to purchase legally from providers like This makes the ease of trying CBD, while medical marijuana remains legal in many areas, a simple step people can take in relieving their pain.

Despite the information contained in the NASEM report, medical professionals often remain hesitant to provide patients with the option of using marijuana in lieu of opioids even though it may be a better and safer option.

One of the problems in trying to come up with a viable solution for pain is the difficulty in measuring it. Pain is a very personal thing and every person deals with it on a different level. Based on this, the solutions for dealing with pain and quite varied and often includes dangerous and addictive drugs as mentioned earlier.

Despite the information that has come forward, we need more. Scientists, public policy creators, politicians, and medical providers have to work together to provide as much information as possible to consumers and those suffering from diseases for which CBD might be a helpful aid. In the meantime, pain sufferers will continue to provide their insights as they use CBD to combat their ailments.