Five Tips To Help You Get Back To Work After a Vacation

Does the idea of returning to work after a relaxing, invigorating vacation fill you with dread? All those emails and messages to deal with, not to mention feeling tired and sluggish while sitting at your desk for hours a day. The good news is that there are plenty of helpful ways to get you back into your work routine after a lengthy break away. Check out our list of tips below.
Take a break before returning to the office
Even though you’ve just been away, make sure you leave a good amount of time when you get back before going into the office. Even just one day between vacation and work can make a huge difference. This will give you time to thoroughly relax and and acclimate before heading into work the next day. Plus, it gives you some space to get your home and family reorganized, like doing groceries and other errands, and especially if your kids are going back to school.
Pace yourself.
On your first day back in the office, don’t fill your calendar with meetings or incredibly important tasks. Sit down and work out a sensible to-do list, covering everything from work that needs to be completed to checking and responding to your email back list. Be reasonable about what you can achieve on your first few days back.
Take plenty of breaks.
Your vacation daily routine is likely to have been very different to your office routine so it may take some time to transition between the two. Make sure that you take more breaks than you would normally, and take time away from your desk when you have a break. If you can, head outside and take in some fresh air. Also ensure that you’re not glued to a screen all day, including your mobile phone. Your eyes won’t be used to focusing for that amount of time, so you don’t want to risk eye strain or a headache.
Take care of your body and mind.
If you feel like you need a bit of extra help, don’t just reach for caffeine or sugar. Try to stick to a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, which will give you fuel and keep your mind clear. Also make sure to drink plenty of water. You’ve probably extended yourself on that “relaxing” vacation, so reach for some vitamins or nootropics supplements to keep yourself concentrated and on track.
Prolong the vacation memories.
It can be a real boost for your mood to bring a memento or souvenir from your vacation into your office with you. Even if you only keep it in your bag or in a drawer, a quick glance can help you ignite those happy memories. Just make sure you don’t bore your colleagues too much with your fun and exciting vacation anecdotes!
Going back to work after a vacation can be pretty disheartening at first, but those thoughts don’t need to last long and there are some easy ways to help yourself feel more energized and motivated.