Market your Side Hustle by Using these Top Tips

Starting a side hustle is a fantastic way for you to make money, not to mention that it also gives you a degree of responsibility and pride. If you want your side hustle to take off however then you have to make sure that you market it properly. If you don’t then you may find that you end up compromising your entire business model as a result.
Pitching your side hustle is a fantastic way for you to get more clients. When pitching your idea to potential clients, you need to make sure that you provide at least three samples. You might also want to offer a free session too. When you do, you can then easily talk to your family and friends to see if they can recommend your services. This is a great way for you to really get somewhere and you would be surprised at how much custom you can get from word of mouth. If you feel as though you just don’t have the right connections to pitch your ideas then you have nothing to worry about because social media really is your friend here. Get signed up with LinkedIn and also make sure that you invest in ads.
Social Media Profiles
One of the best ways for you to promote your new side hustle would be for you to go on social media. Twitter is a goldmine when it comes to finding freelancer projects. Start by telling people to like and share your profile and use hashtags to your advantage. You don’t have to go crazy, just focus on what you know. Something else that you can do is add the words “for hire” in your biography. This makes it super clear that you do this for a living and that it is more than just a hobby for you. If you offer creative services, then why not look into Pinterest? You can pin your posts or even samples of your work and when you do you will be able to add a title or even a name.
A blog is another fantastic way for you to really get your side hustle off the ground. When you start a blog, you will soon find that you can open up a shop or service page. This will give you the chance to link to your products and it will also help you to improve your SEO too. This works best if you have an established blog. If you don’t then it’s still worth starting one up because it can help you to get your posts shared on social media and if you enable comments, you can easily get people talking and this can be invaluable to your marketing campaign.
Invest in the Right Ads
If you have never invested in ads before then now is certainly the time for you to do that. When you do invest in ads, you will be able to cater your keywords accordingly and this will give you some instant marketing. A lot of people try and avoid ads because they believe that they are expensive, but this is not the case at all. In fact, they are relatively cheap, and you would be surprised at how much it could help you and your business. Layer on automations for Google Ads are ideal for boosting your business.
Hand out Flyers and Leaflets
Depending on the type of business you have, it may be a good idea for you to invest in some high-quality leaflets or flyers. Business cards are ideal here because you can easily put all of your contact information on while also being able to hand them out whenever you have completed a job. You do have to remember though that if you invest in cheap business cards then this will almost certainly come across to your customers and this is the last thing that you need. If you want to get around this then spend a bit extra and make sure that your card reflects the business you are in. If you do, then you will soon find that you get a way better result and that your conversion rate speaks for itself.
Of course, there are so many things that you can do to try and help yourself and your side hustle. If you follow the above tips then you will soon find that you are able to market your business more efficiently and that you are also able to push your idea that little bit more.