Top Tips for Finding a New Job Fast

finding a new job find a new job in 2022

In January, many people think about how they want the year ahead to look for them, and what they want to achieve. This is why New Year’s resolutions are so popular. For lots of us, this goal setting involves getting a promotion or landing a dream role.

If you’re in this boat, and want to find a new job nice and quickly, it’s important to be proactive and plan ahead. Read on for some handy tips you can follow today to help you start the year off with a “bang” when it comes to your career.

Fine-Tune Your Resume and Cover Letter

One of the first things you should do if you’re keen to land a new job quickly is make sure that your application documents are in good order. For starters, your resume and cover letter should both be up-to-date and cover any new skills or accomplishments you have achieved, and new positions or areas of responsibility you have been working in.

The layout of your resume, in particular, is highly important. Keep in mind that recruiters typically look at dozens if not hundreds of documents per day, and therefore don’t have the time to read every word on a page. They look, instead, for the most important information as they scan through a document. As such, you must ensure that your resume is set out with lots of sub-headings and that all the most important information is in the first section.

Details Can Make A Difference

When creating a top-notch resume and cover letter, you also need to ensure that you choose a professional-looking font (something standard such as Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial, for example), and that the font size is large enough that readers don’t have to squint. Leave white space on the pages too so that eyes and brains don’t get overwhelmed when poring over information.

Many people make simple mistakes on their application documents too which could be easily averted if they arranged a free resume evaluation or had knowledgeable friends, family members or colleagues to look over their work before they submitted it. Be wary of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, spacing issues, and the like.

You might want to consider hiring a specialist resume firm to create new documents for you, as they understand exactly what is required in CVs and cover letters which get results. Many of these companies can also help you to hone your interview skills by providing training, and ensuring that you present yourself in the best light possible when in front of recruiters and employers.

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Develop Your Network and Brand

Another good way to help yourself get a new job in a timely manner is to put some effort into networking and creating your own personal brand. Developing relationships with recruiters, managers, and other industry contacts can help you to find out about positions before they are advertised, and to get your name in front of the right people.

While it pays to do some in-person networking, don’t forget that social media is also really helpful when it comes to both networking and branding. Sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and the like are the perfect place to:

  • Digitally “meet” and develop connections with professionals
  • Showcase your skills and experience
  • Declare your interest in a role or sector.

You can also use the websites to demonstrate your expert knowledge in a field, and to promote your brand.

Keep Profiles Updated

To do all of this well, start by ensuring your profiles on the various sites you plan to target are filled with up-to-date information about yourself, and that you use the same images, logos, font, and language across them all for brand consistency. Photographs of yourself should be professional, always, as should your posts. Never complain about an employer/manager in the public eye, write negative things about clients, or otherwise be less than professional.

It also pays to join in conversations with relevant groups and people when you can add value. Also, post regular updates about:

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  • Events you have attended
  • New skills you’ve learned
  • Training you have finished
  • New projects you have launched or completed
  • Any other career successes you’ve had

This will help to showcase your expertise and to generate more interest in your profile, which can lead to more connections and eyes on your progress. Providing links to content you have written or curated, such as blogs, infographics, books, quotes, and so on is also of great benefit when it comes to branding and networking.

Utilize Resources

Lastly, don’t forget to utilize all of the resources you have at your disposal that can help you in your job search. While this list will vary from person to person, it can include things such as reference letters from past employers or colleagues, and testimonials from clients.

Also try to tee up direct referrals from those you know to recruiters and employers who may be getting ready to advertise a position. Many jobs never end up being advertised publicly because they are filled beforehand by people who have been recommended directly. As such, you should let all of your contacts know that you are actively seeking a new role, in case they are able to refer you to a great lead.



Image credits.

MainPersonal brand.   Resume.