So, You want to be a Real Estate Agent?

successful real estate agent

For many go-getting and ambitious professionals aiming to establish themselves in the real estate business, the reality of selling realty can be more complex than first anticipated.

In any career or chosen vocation, we have come to widely accept that certain character and personality traits can often dictate how well they perform. For instance, a strong-willed and tough individual may fare better as a lumberjack than a sensitive, artistic type. Of course, the beauty of life is that there are no restrictions on ambition. So, if you value enterprise, hard work, helping people achieve their dreams and know the difference between Vancouver real estate and a parking lot in Tokyo, a career in selling homes may be for you.

Below are some examples of what it takes to be a successful real estate agent.

You have a genuine passion for people

Chances are, if you don’t like people, you may find it pretty difficult to become a successful real estate agent. As this profession requires a mixture of hard work, long hours, determination and a big personality, being easily rejected or dejected can eventually take its toll.

You are a winner

Being a winner can attract its fair share of negative reaction. This is because many only see the positive results, and not the all-nighters at the office, early mornings and relentless work you put into achieving your targets and goals.

Being a winner, however, is not just goals and accomplishments. It is the ability to recover from setbacks and disappointment like a champion. While not everyone is born with this attitude, knowing that discipline and focus are the strengths behind it means that it can be achieved by anyone willing to put in the roadwork.

An entrepreneurial mind

See an angle nobody else does? Or perhaps you have developed a way to get two jobs done at once, while freeing up more time to do other things. After all, your day to day responsibilities as a real estate agent will vary. Showing viewers around homes, meeting prospective clients, taking in the latest trends, laws and regulations while working under pressure to work on contracts and negotiations demands an exceptional ability to handle pressure and a keen eye for detail. Self-starters tend to do pretty well in this role.

You understand business

One of the most underrated traits in business is the ability to convince a client that you are in complete control of a situation. Times this by one hundred, and you can understand the pressures on a real estate agent. With so many to and fros, back outs, cancellations, haggles and anxieties from sellers and buyers, it is very difficult to be in control of every single development.

Additionally, you will be required to understand complex property laws, have an in-depth understanding of everything real estate, and be pretty sharp when it comes to numbers. There is so much to this role than meets the eye.

So, you want to be a real estate agent? The chances are, if you still feel confident after reading this, it might be for you after all.