Why Choose a Career in Nursing

Are you in search of a career with meaning, purpose, and good money? If so, becoming a registered nurse is something to seriously consider. While not everyone is cut out for the job, those who do go on to become key players in the successful delivery of medical services across all areas of healthcare. The modern healthcare system cannot work without the dedication and determination of RNs.
If you’re considering a career in nursing, the following is a more detailed look at why nursing is a great career path:
Great Education
Nursing school is no joke. The stakes are too high to let students slide. It might sound intimidating, but this means you’re sure to get a great education. Studying hard, staying up late, and committing hundreds of Level Up RN’s study flashcards to memory isn’t just expected, it’s guaranteed. Upon graduation, you’ll walk off the stage with confidence. What’s more, the understanding of anatomy, chemistry, and medicine will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Good Pay
Nursing is hard work, and RNs are paid well as a result. The median salary for RNs was $71,730 in 2018, according to U.S. News & World Report. The upper 25% made $88,350, and the lower end was $58,770. Though temporary, the current COVID-19 pandemic has caused demand for nurses to soar, and with it their pay. While the numbers might revert once the pandemic is over, it’s safe to say the continued demand for nurses will ensure the career remains a good paying one. That’s why it’s a great idea to look into a good nursing school. There are nursing schools in Southern California that offer a quality education with unique tools. Virtual reality learning, telemedicine, and synthetic practice patients/cadavers are all on the cutting edge of modern nursing education at these kinds of schools. Furthermore, completing the degree is a very hands-on experience that ultimately can lead to employment and licensing.
Difference Maker
Few careers make as much of a difference in the lives of others as nursing. The job involves hands-on interaction with others when they’re at their weakest. It means being there for them during recovery, as well as when things take a turn for the worse. Whether a patient appreciates it or not, you’re a key source of support during a critical moment in their lives. You’ll never go home wondering whether or not you made a difference in the lives of others.
Excellent Benefits
Employment that includes benefits is the holy grail for most job seekers. Employer-provided healthcare, paid time off, and retirement benefits all come standard for registered nurses. Due to the high demand for nurses, these benefits packages are some of the best ones out there. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities want their nursing staff to have top-quality healthcare, avoid burnout, and have peace of mind about the future. Otherwise, they run the risk of having their nurses go elsewhere.
Job Security
The demand for nurses isn’t going away anytime soon. It’s also unlikely we’ll see automation make nursing an obsolete career. These forecasts add up to long-term job security. Become a registered nurse and never worry about finding a job ever again. If anything, you’ll probably be hounded after by recruiters trying to lure you to another hospital or healthcare facility.
Not everyone has what it takes to become a registered nurse. But for those who do, becoming an RN is a great way to embark on a rewarding and well-paying career. So what are you waiting for? Enroll in nursing school and start on the path towards a better life, one in which you help improve the lives of others, and in some cases, even save them.