Author: Maria Bashi

working from home

Working From Home: Is This Your New Normal?

The recent lockdown is transforming the lives of many people who, up until now, worked in an office. After many weeks working from home, you may now find yourself liking it. Over the past...

being the boss

Making The Transition From Employee To Boss

Going from being a regular employee to being the boss of a business can be a challenging transition to make. Your working life will drastically change as you take on more and more team...

online dating relationshiplong-distance relationship

Factors To Consider In An Online Relationship

With the advance development of technology in the new millennium, almost everything is becoming instant. From the food you’re eating to the clothes that you’re wearing, even the transportation and communication systems you are...

future-proof career

How to Create a Future-Proof Career

If the coronavirus pandemic has shown us anything about work and business, it’s revealed just how fragile our careers truly are. We went from having one of the strongest and most robust economies this...