Author: Maria Bashi

travel bug warm weather travel

A Day in the Life of a Modern Travel Agent

Think travel agents are a dying breed? Think again. Travel is more complicated than ever, and with many Millennials competing to find the most Instagram-worthy destination, travel agents are becoming the go-to professionals for...

marketing freelancers

5 Skills All Marketing Freelancers Should Have

Today’s, the role of demand generation marketing has greatly developed, offering marketing freelancers a golden opportunity. That’s why marketing freelancing is currently on a high trajectory as businesses seek to enlist the help of...

cbd oil

How CBD Oil Can Help You As You Age

Nobody wants to get older. They spend years and a small fortune trying to prevent signs of aging, eliminate aches and pains, and feel the vitality of youth. Unfortunately, there is no fountain of...

spa therapist

How to Become a Yacht Spa Therapist

An expert shares how you can get a spa therapist job onboard a luxury yacht Spa therapist jobs onboard the world’s most luxurious superyachts are highly coveted, and for good reason too. Indeed, not...