Author: Jackie LaMar

personal growth

What Does Personal Growth Mean To You?

Adulting is hard. According to Cognitive & Behavioral Consultants, 75% of all lifetime mental illness starts as early as age 24, as young adults face the challenges of being independent. Worries come in a...

solo travel as a woman

Preparing for International Travel

Are you getting ready for some international travel?  When travelling out of your home country, it is important to be prepared so you are not caught unaware or surprised by something that can ruin...

career development

5 Unique Options for Professional Development

Companies understand that providing options for professional development online and off helps their workers feel appreciated and spurs company growth, but the method through which employees learn doesn’t always have to be traditional. Workers...

what makes a good investment

What Makes a Good Investment?

More than half of American families own publicly traded stock. Most have indirect ownership through a mutual fund, retirement plan or index fund, while others own shares directly. However they invest, these households understand...