Author: Nicole Emerick

“New Job, New You”

This week we are starting a new book for Book Review Tuesdays, career expert Alexandra Levit’s latest “New Job, New You.” Not only do I admire Alexandra Levit’s own career path- once a corporate...

Monday Must-Reads: Career Counseling

9 Ways to be Happy in a Job You Don’t Like Batshit Crazy: Creative Ways to Meet Your Goals I Quit My Job and You Should Too 4 Ways to be the only one...

The Eight Irrestible Principles of Fun

Take 5 minutes to watch the awesome video below, made by (@boxofcrayons). I promise it will rejuvenate your mind and your attitude. In Review, The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun: 1. Get Focused:...

Are You Secretly Paralyzed by Your Fears?

Today I was listening to an old Oprah episode on XM radio in which people with severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder were sent to “camp” in order to learn to overcome the disease and get their...

What are you doing with your time?

In economics, the principle of scarcity says we have a limited amount of time and resources.  What are you doing with yours?  Consider Person 1 and Person 2.  Both work at the same day job...