Basic Home Security

We live in a world where our well-being is threatened at every angle, it’s as common as the flu virus, and the moment we step out of our house we are in danger of it. Being a single woman and living alone, I have no one else to look after me. so I tend to be watchful of my surroundings. However, there is no sure way to keep yourself out of harms way especially when we are in public places.

According to people between age 16 to 24 are most at risk. We can only take precautionary measures like taking self-defense classes, or keeping away from large crowds and making sure you carry a taser or a pepper spray when you leave home.

Our homes,  comfort zone and safe haven for most of us,  unfortunately, aren’t spared from this. Our homes can be threatened by environmental factors like rain and natural calamities as well as threats from intruders or worse a burglary and if you look at recent statistics, it doesn’t seem to be getting better.

I have listed a couple of things to review, home security systems and locks.  These will help to ensure your homes are safe whether you are in or out.


The most basic of security measures. Making sure you have double locks or deadlocks as well as window locks is the first layer of security that you can provide yourself and your family. According to the Office for National Statistics, households without basic security measures are twice more likely to be burglarized. You also have to make sure that the front door is secured by using a multi-line latching system as 67 percent of burglaries happen through our front doors.

It starts with making sure your locks work and are not old and easily broken, install a deadlock and a security chain and if possible install another latch or lock on top or at the bottom of your front door, however, you should not leave any weak points, you might l so want to make upgrades on your backdoor as well.

Security Alarm System

Security Systems are another layers of protection that you can add at home, this may include a pin code door alarms, window alarms, motion detectors, most common of which are motion activated lamps/lighting systems which can help deter would-be thieves. Security Cameras or CCTV cameras may also be added to help watch your homes even when you are not physically around and especially when you are fast asleep.

Home Security is an important matter all year long and is something that should be taken very seriously, especially during nighttime and vacations. Fortunately, there are measures we can take so that we can help protect ourselves and our loved ones at home.

Ms. Career Girl

Ms. Career Girl was started in 2008 to help ambitious young professional women figure out who they are, what they want and how to get it.