Kerching! Boost Your Income With These Little-Known Tips

When it comes to our incomes, we haven’t been doing very well recently. Our incomes have been flat for a long time, and for some communities, they’ve been in decline. The left of the political spectrum likes to blame it on the big banks and technology. The right like to blame it on globalization and the central banks. But for the rest of us, there’s just one simple question: how can I get more money?  Are you ready to boost your income?

Living paycheck to paycheck is stressful. Studies have shown that always being on the edge of a financial disaster isn’t just bad for our wallets, it’s bad for our health too. As a result, increasing our income should be one of our top priorities, even if that means working longer and harder. Here we’re going to look at some of the lesser-known tips for boosting your income. So what should you do?

Know The Difference Between Time And Replication

Time is our most precious resource. It’s also the only thing that is equal between all people. But there’s a big difference between those who understand time and those that don’t. Take Scott Adams, for instance, the man behind the Dilbert comic strips. He wrote a book called How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big. Here he emphasized the value of replication. His advice to save time was to find something that you’re good at and do it over and over again. Replicate your services as many times as possible to bring in the most money you can. Adams himself lived by this philosophy. He often did one comic strip and then proceeded to try to get it published in as many newspapers as he could, all over the world.

Surround Yourself With Successful People

Have you ever noticed that people tend to behave in a similar way to their five closest friends? It’s not just a casual observation. It’s actually something that is backed up by science. When people spend a lot of time around each other, mirror neurons in their brains, copy the behaviors of others. Over time, people pick up on the habits of other people in their group and incorporate them. Often they’ll wind up with the same political views, social habits and sense of humor.

It’s important to notice that the same type of thing happens in the world of money. If you spend your time around wealthy people, you’ll start to think a lot more like them. You’ll pick up on all the subtle cues that form their personalities. And you’ll learn about their habits and motivations. Ultimately, you’ll internalize their ambitions and give yourself a chance of success. Remember, there’s nothing wrong with faking it until you make it. In fact, it could help a lot.

Learn About The Importance Of Saying “No”

You might think that saying “yes” to all the work that comes your way is a great way to earn more money. But it can actually be counter productive. Too many projects can soon drain you of both time and energy. And when you’re flat out, you often miss opportunities to invest in yourself and your future income.