Protecting Your Small Business- Security Tips For You And Your Building

One thing many people forget to consider when it comes to their small business is protection. If you had a large corporation, you’d have all sorts of protection, from lawyers on hand to a huge safe where you keep cash and collectibles. While you may not need a huge safe, you should still want to do everything you can to protect your business, even if you run it out of your own home.

While at some point when your company has grown large enough to warrant it, you may engage the services of security guard companies.  Until then, you still need to take care of security concerns for both yourself, your employees, and your company.

Some of these things may seem like common sense, especially for women working in the business world, but sometimes it’s easy to forget the simplest ways to protect yourself. Here are some tips for protecting your business, and yourself.

Have A Good Front Door

Depending on how much cash you have on the premises, and the costs of whatever it is you’re selling, you may want to have a nice reinforced door at the front, and even back, of your building or home business. A good door and a good locking system can be lifesavers, and business savers.

You may also want to consider security doors if your product worth is great. Instead of anyone walking in, you can buzz people in only after they let you know who they are and why they are there.

Have An Alarm System


A security system, or alarm, is also a great way to protect yourself and your business. While some businesses keep a gun on hand, there are laws in many states making this illegal. Plus, guns can pose others issues. Instead, having a security system in place, whether to set off an alarm die to a break in, or one you can push a button for if you’re being robbed, allows you to get the police on hand and have them deal with your issue.

Carry Pepper Spray

As far as self protection goes, women should always carry pepper spray, or some other protection device on them. Have it in your purse, or on your keychain. It may save your life some day.

You should look into local laws first. You may be able to carry something like a tazer, or even that canister of pepper spray could be illegal. You may be better off taking a self defense course as means of protection.

Protect Your Tech

Not only should you be protect your business building, or home if you work from there, and yourself, but you should protect your online information as well. People are great at creating viruses and malware that can steal credit card numbers and other personal info. The only way to protect yourself is to make sure you have protection from viruses and malware on your computer, tablet, and smartphone.

You should also only shop with secure sites, and make sure your own shopping cart is secure. It’s the best way to protect yourself and your customers.

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