Category: Work

Wait! But You Said You Would!

After a jam-packed business trip of 8 client meetings in 2 days, I made and witnessed a LOT of promises.  Promises to follow-up with information.  Promises to schedule more meetings.  Promises to introduce my clients...

Finding Meaning Through Work

While backpacking through Europe this past fall, one thing that really stood out (besides the delightful meals and fine wines of course) was this whole idea of greatness.  As a first time visitor I...

Tales from the Energizer Bunny

Happy Monday and Merry Christmas Eve! This holiday season is my favorite time of the year – even if nothing in my frazzled life makes sense, everything feels just right at Christmas (or maybe...

It’s Been 2 Months! Can I Quit My Job Now?

The email went like this: It’s my first professional job after getting my Masters.  (nice work) I HATE it. My boss treats me like a secretary and I’m supposed to be the compliance manager. ...