Don’t Think You Can Put A Price On Travel? Think Again! Money Management Is Key To Jetting Away

Who doesn’t love to travel? The open road, the wind in your hair and the smell of possibility all around you. The only problem is, traveling isn’t cheap. While we would all like to go jetting away when things get on top of us, it’s not always possible. Most of us get one holiday a year if we’re lucky, and even that can break the bank. What if there was a way you could travel more for less?
Paying attention to your spending and finding the best deals could get you two holidays instead of one. You could even make it to three if you do things right! Whether you like to travel for the sake of sun, or for the experience of traveling, being careful with money is the best way to ensure you get away more. Of course, these things are easier said than done. We’re going to take a look at sure-fire ways to ensure you get away when you need to, without breaking the bank!
Saving money throughout the year will ensure you have enough when the time comes to go away. Forethought in your traveling plans will save you having to scrape money together at the last minute. Set up a savings account for your travels and put in a set amount each month. Remember, holidays are pricey. The more you put in each month, the better off you’ll be. Though it may be hard to adjust to losing that money, it’ll be harder to lose a holiday’s worth in one lump sum.
Print off a picture of your dream holiday destination and pin it somewhere visible. That way, anytime you’re feeling down about the money, you can remember what your goal is! You should be doing this before you’ve considered a destination but it’s worth getting ideas about where you plan to go in the coming year. That way, you’ll know roughly how much money you need to get. Saving into an abyss can be daunting. Saving towards a set goal will give you that much needed directional push!
Many companies offer travel clubs, which could save you money depending on the way you travel. Look into this option to see if it’s for you. With many choices, including Costco travel, it’s important that you look at the differences. With these clubs, you pay a set monthly fee to receive travel rewards and bonuses. Membership comes with the bonus of deals on certain flights, vacation packages, and accommodation. Whether this option will save you money depends on your reasons for travel and the amount of times you go away. If you only go away once, for example, a travel club membership would end up costing you.
It’s also worth mentioning that your options for a lot of the bonuses are limited. You will only be able to get deals on hotels and packages associated with your particular club. Even so, this can be a fantastic option if you’re seeking the sun but aren’t fussy where you go. If you have a family who enjoys beach holidays and time by the pool, this could be worth your while. Try and work out the costs of such a membership compared to the amount you would spend on a holiday. That way, you’ll be able to judge whether it’d be worthwhile.
When it comes time to book your holiday, it’s important you look around to find the cheapest way to travel. Depending on where you’re headed, you could have the option of flight, boat, or even driving. Think about what options are open to you and try to decide which would be the best value. If you are booking flights, look around for the cheapest deals. Comparison sites allow you to look at flights across different companies. That way, you’ll be able to see the cheapest offers with no hassle.
Bear in mind, too, that flights are cheaper the earlier you book them, so get booked up as soon as possible. If you’re driving, think about where you’ll stock up on petrol, and how long the journey will take you. If the drive is going to be a long one, it could be worth traveling in an RV, which will save you money on accommodation. You could even stay in it once you reach your destination! This option also allows you to travel in comfort, so is ideal for long journeys.
Take some time, too, to think about the money you spend on accommodation. Hotels may be the most accessible option, but they can also be expensive. If you are opting for a hotel, make sure to look around for the best deal. Remember that this is just where you’re going to be sleeping. You don’t need a luxury, top of the range hotel. As long as the hygiene levels are good and your room is safe, you should get along fine.
Again, price comparison can be a life-saver here. The shorter your trip, the more reasonable it is to stay in a hotel. Hotels can also be the best option if you have a family as you can assure everyone will have somewhere to sleep. It’s also the best way to ensure those days around the pool! If you’re traveling alone, or as a couple, there are other options to consider that would save you money.
Hostels may not be the first choice for many people, but they’re often the cheapest way to travel. If you’re feeling brave enough to try hostel living, take a look at the options available to you. Most destinations offer a hostel option. The thing to bear in mind here is that you will be sharing a room with other people. You’ll need to keep your belongings with you. You also won’t have the option to leave your belongings behind when you go off for the day. There are other options for baggage storage to consider, though.
Look into how much it would cost to hire a locker instead! Another alternate option is Airbnb, which allows you to stay in a rented room in someone’s home. This can be a worthwhile experience that’s cheaper than many other options. Rooms offered range from double rooms in a family home to self-contained living spaces. Don’t rule this option out before you’ve given it a go. It may surprise you where you end up! If none of these options appeal to you, why not book into a campsite? After paying for a camping space, all you need to do is provide some camping gear. Again, you’ll have to think about where to keep your belongings when you aren’t there. Consider the price of the site, the equipment and a storage locker. If it’d pay off, give it a go!
Once you know where you’re going and how you’re getting there, think about your vacation budget. If you’ve already got savings, this option will be easier. You’ll be able to look at what you’ve got set aside and decide a budget that’s realistic based off that. If not, you’re going to have to stay level-headed when deciding what to take. Think about how much money you’ve spent during previous vacations to help you choose what you need.
The good thing about taking a set amount of spending money is that you can’t go over, even if you want to. It can help to take your money in cash to save yourself overspending. You may still want to take a card with you for emergencies, but keep it in a safe and don’t use it unless you have to. Your spending money should be plenty to tide you over while you’re away. Be sure to keep careful track of the money you spend while you’re gone. That way, you can ensure you don’t spend more than you should. Remember, too, to factor in everything you’ll be spending money on. This includes travel, food, and general spending!
Much of the expense of travel comes from the food we eat while we’re away. It makes sense to eat out when you’re on holiday. What better way to get away from cooking, and enjoy a little local cuisine? Even so, working out how much you would be spending on food can put you off the idea. There’s no reason not to eat out every now and again while you’re away. The trick is to stay sensible.
Buying your food and cooking at least one meal a day will save you an enormous amount of money. You’ll be shopping local so you can still test a little traditional cuisine while you’re at it! Cooking may not sound like much fun, but it’s worthwhile. If you’re staying in a hotel, cooking your food may not work. If that’s the case, think about what you could eat. Many hotel rooms are stocked with microwaves. Get creative with your cooking!
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