7 Ways To Get Back On Track
I wrote this post on the flight home from WI to FL, two days after finishing the Chicago half marathon.
With sore, stiff muscles I felt myself going into recovery mode but it doesn’t take an athletic endeavor to make us feel taxed or “off” track. It could be a major change like a new home, new job, relocation, new baby, new boyfriend, breakup, or something we can’t put our finger on, (which is when I usually like to “blame” the weather). Whatever the reason for your un-centered feeling, here are 7 ways you can re-connect with yourself.
None of these actions costs any money, just your time and consciousness.
1. Terrain. Take your shoes and socks off and let your feet feel the earth. Studies show that this helps you feel more grounded and connected to the planet. Gently wiggling my toes, I let the cool Wisconsin grass massage my swollen feet.
2. Sun. Make like a yogi and do a few sun salutations. Watch a video if you do not know how. Feel the sun on your skin and the sensation of your body stretching. Think of creating space in your body and opening your heart to the universe.
3. Play. Head to the dog park with your favorite pooch and delight in their sense of excitement and play as they socialize with other dogs and chase tennis balls.
4. Friend. Ask a friend what is going on in her life. If she has a little one, holding her newborn baby, bring your awareness to the sound of his breathing/baby snores and feeling of rest. Welcome him to the world and your friend to motherhood by sharing your time and learning the details from their new chapter.
5. Smile. Say something kind to the next person you see or offer a funny story. When I visited my nieces, my goddaughter, a first-grader asked me “Aunt Kelly, do you have a boyfriend?”
Smiling, I said, “No I don’t right now.”
She pressed on, “Why not?”
Laughing, I said, “ That’s a good question. I’m going to be with someone REALLY special and giving. Someone just like Kristoff in Frozen- don’t you love Kristoff?” She thought about it for a moment and nodded her agreement that Christof is indeed boyfriend-worthy.
6. Slumber. Naps are restorative. Make time to rest and feel an energy boost upon waking.
7. Savor. Relishing each and every aspect of your day can lower anxiety. Fewer distractions will help you feel more aware and more united with whatever you are doing – even if it is just sitting down and breathing. Watch the steam wisps on your cup of coffee. Sing your favorite song from The Sound of Music in the shower. Visit with family and stow your phone in the other room for an hour as you partake in family traditions. Be in it.
How do you get back on track? Share @MsCareerGirl